Tallahassee's 7th Annual Fiesta Filipino

Tallahassee's 7th Annual Fiesta Filipino

This year the CGSA will setup a booth at the annual Pista Sa Nayon Filipino Fiesta. Here we will showcase the work we do in the Florida State University chemistry department and teach principles of science with fun demos! We will be working with several research groups such as the Steinbock, Goldsby groups and more.

Please come join us to learn about:

Chemical Gardens
This year chemical garden experiments were launched into space
to learn about how they grow under microgravity. At our booth 
you can form your own chemical gardens just like those sent to the
International Space Station!
Marangoni Effect
The Marangoni effect is based on gradients in surface tension.
Attendees can visualize this phenomenon while racing boats!
Carbon Dioxide Acidification
High amounts of carbon dioxide in our air is effecting our 
oceans. To see how this change occurs over time we created
an interactive demonstration that warns us of the effects of 
global warming.
Solar Cell Cars
See how solar energy can be transformed into mechanical
energy through solar powered cars.
Radioactivity at Home
Even everyday, household items contain radiation. Although
we cannot see it, we can detect it with devices like a Geiger 
counter. Come see what radioactive items might be lurking
in your home!
Lycopodium Cannon
Kiyoshi from the Goldsby group will explain how this unreactive
spore quickly ignites as he shows this explosive demonstration.

When: September 15, 2018
Time: 10AM - 5PM
Where: Klemen Plaza
For more questions please contact
